The Vagrant Grainfed West

I have something to say

But you go ahead and say it for me

So I get to smile wild and free

In light of a blessed young day.

Sometimes you describe my experience the best

Living in the vagrant grainfed West

In the line of our past selves’ fire

Sharing our bodies but not for hire.

I don't need cash to make me commit.

In fact I can do better without

When by and by my flooding flow is allowed to spout.

My collection of history is confined to a emergency rack

If not a pack, if not my back

At last reduced to a sweet deadly lack.

At least we can still smell our way home,

Where all our genetic, hermetic, omni-aesthetic memories are stored

In the unfolding form of an open-legged Lord,

Like our sacrament that glows because it has to end

Except there's always a rule or two to bend

As long as we're scared of surviving our own men.

I need another’s deeds in advance to spend

My children that don't get said soon will be penned.

The sacred vulnerability is ours to lend

In need of another's deeds with which to fend

Off the shadow I perceive chasing my friends

Can't see what it solves for the soul to rend,

Involved fully in the energy of present.

Without the public health induced lashing of peasants,

Our revolution’s streamed live on perpetual rerun

By the timebinded ones whose viewing’s just begun

But of all each other's totems we can't keep track

When belief in our energy’s still subject to sack.

These dry thunderstorms transmute the forms of our norms

Still breeding the skin to keep us warm

By retreating before our feathers were shorn.

Some places feel weird when first premiered

But soon in the masses that defensively jeered

Hold it dear as their own oldest newborn baby

And stop writing in the explanations of maybe.

It's hot, dry, dark, and bolting

With this wind the clouds appear to be molting.

No other mother needs consulting

And we can spread our seed without revolting

No other colored pair of wings

Can change the way we sing.

The ugly truth, out of this corner we've been dared

Rubber face snaps from the care we have to share.

Nutrition spread so thin our horizon’s been scared

By ghosts of the Holy Spirit our ancestors ensnared.

Our mental crow’s nest to make up and out time’s distant shore.

The good old me’s cut down and cooked rare

Because they couldn't look and see a taste quite so fair.

Someday I'll erect and get out of my head

Once the shitposters stop wanting me dead.