It’s Halloween

This is a poem I wrote two years ago to the date, in part about some of my struggles with indecisiveness and commitment. I hope you enjoy on this day when the veil between living and dead is supposed to be at its thinnest — because what’s spookier than critical introspection? OoooOoooOooo!

It's Halloween

And I've never been so scared.

This year I'm going as someone out of his mind

Because I'm sick of being in my own,

A mirror shining on a mirror

Towards reflective Infinity

Tumbling through the known

In approach of the unknown

What do you get caught up on?

I feel I'm hyperaware of the implications

Of whatever I'm not doing.

 I lurch and leave things undone

Because I'm hurt and feel overrun

Keeping up with what the Joneses

Were supposed to want.

Why would I adopt an identity

When I know anyone would kill me?

A leaf upon the wind

Lands in a puddle

Yet dreams of the ocean

As its neighbors waft along.